Thursday, January 31, 2008

Feedback for North Wash Outfitters

At North Wash Outfitters we are interested in your experiences with us.  We want to know what you thought of your Canyoneering adventure or Canyoneering Training Course.  Please leave comments on the courses you have taken, on trips you have taken and on equipment purchased from the store.  If you would like to contact us offline, don't hesitate to do so also.  You may contact Jared Hillhouse at or at 435-672-9942.  Let us know if you enjoyed yourself, or if you didn't so we can make sure to do better for your next visit.  Our customers are what keeps us going and we hope that our service shows that we care.


  1. Wow! was I shocked to come back to NWO's website and find this wonderful upgrade; very nicely done, easily navigated, and good info.

  2. Thank you on behalf of the Pinnacle Peak ward division of the recent boy scout trip. It was amazing and way fun. Hope to do it again sometime!

  3. Yes, great website. Did anyone finally win the "name the canyon" contest?

  4. Thanks Cathy.  There are still a few things that I need to update on the website, it will always be a continuing work in progress as we have more Canyoneering Courses and Trips and pictures need to be added. 

    Nope, No one has won the "Name that Canyon" Contest yet.  I am surprised, thought this would be one that would only last a week or so, but no winners yet.  We'll see.  There is still a $20.00 NWO Gift Certificate Available.
