Well it is that time of year again. Man, I can't believe how fast the seasons have come and gone this year. Seems like yesterday we were finishing off our last Christmas season.
We would like to jump into this year with a bang like we did last year. This year our sale will be held on December 1st. from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. MST.
We think that this year's sale will be something for the whole family. We will have our entire line of products on sale! One great special this year is the SPOT PLB Messenger which is only $99.95 after a $50.00 mail in rebate from SPOT. Time to get that peace of mind that your loved ones deserve while you are enjoying the outdoors. We also have the new Canyoneering books from Dave Black and Michael Kelsey as well as our old favorites from Anchors to Rigging to Wilderness First Aid. Don't forget, with the winter season upon us and Freezefest fast approaching, that it is the perfect time to upgrade your wetsuits. Hyperflex wetsuits are the perfect suit to jump into to keep you warm and out of that hypothermia zone.
Some of our new products this year include the merchandise line from Ultimate Survival Technologies (UST). With WetFire, BlastMatch, and their Deluxe Survival Kit you won't be left in the dark when you accidentally get stuck outside after sundown. Also as a way of saying thanks this year for your patronage, we will be giving away several of these items. Any order over $75.00 will receive a FREE package of the WetFire. Orders over $200.00 will receive the BlastMatch, and orders over $400.00 will receive a Deluxe Survival Kit.
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SPOT PLB Messenger Regular Price = $149.95 Sale Price = $99.95 after $50.00 mail in Rebate. | WetFire Regular Price = $7.95 qty. 8 Sale Price = $7.16 qty 8 Free = Orders over $75.00 |
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Dave Black's Canyoneering Book Regular Price = $19.95 Sale Price = $17.96 | Kelsey's Guide to Slot Canyons Regular Price = $19.95 Sale Price = $17.96 |
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BlastMatch Regular Price = $25.95 Sale Price = $23.35 Free on orders over $200.00 | Deluxe Survival Kit Regular Price = $94.95 Sale Price = $85.45 Free on orders over $400.00 |
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BlueWater Canyon Pro Regular Price = $268.00 Sale Price = $210.00 | Blue Water Canyon DS Regular Price = $222.00 Sale Price = $199.80 |
We look forward to another great Christmas season, but more importantly we look forward to making your o
utdoor adventures as safe as possible. If there is anything that we at North Wash Outfitters can do for you in your Canyoneering pursuits or any other outdoor recreational need, let us know.
(All order tallies for the FREE gifts will follow the same rules as our Frequent Shopper Rewards program. Those who are not familiar with these can find them linked out from our homepage of the store.)
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